
US cautions Aerospace Companies regarding Risks of International Espionage

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scientists researchers

Counterintelligence agencies in the United States issued a cautionary message on Friday to the knowledgeable audience in the American space industry, advising them to be vigilant and protect their research and trade secrets from foreign intelligence entities. This warning was prompted by the ulterior motives of these entities, who aim to acquire valuable information to further develop their own space programs. The intention behind this information is to inform the audience about the potential risks and emphasize the importance of safeguarding sensitive information in the field of space exploration.

“We anticipate growing threats to this burgeoning sector of the U.S. economy,” a US counterintelligence official stated, adding that both China and Russia represent prominent sources of foreign intelligence threats to the American space sector.

The FBI, NCSC, and AFOSI recently released a two-page bulletin, revealing that foreign entities, whose identity remains undisclosed, are utilizing cyberattacks and various tactics like strategic investment and acquisitions to infiltrate the U.S. space industry. This information aims to inform the public about the ongoing threat.

The action represents the most recent effort by the U.S. government to increase understanding and knowledge about a matter that has been a source of concern for counterintelligence officials. This has gained greater importance due to the substantial investments made in the development of new rockets and other advancements by the American space industry.

The document cautioned businesses to remain vigilant regarding requests for facility visits and potential attempts to collect sensitive information during conferences. It further highlighted the potential risks faced by individual employees, such as recruitment attempts through offers of overseas travel, consultancy work, or financial compensation in exchange for proprietary information.

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It advised companies to communicate with the FBI or AFOSI if they have any concerns about being targeted. Additionally, it recommended monitoring and documenting “unusual incidents” and implementing “insider threat” programs as a way to screen individuals in important roles.

Chinese hackers have been consistently identified by U.S. authorities as a threat to American space knowledge. They have gained unauthorized access to computer systems at the NASA Goddard Space Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and various companies operating in the aviation, space, and satellite technology sectors. This ongoing issue persists, highlighting the need for increased vigilance and security measures within these critical industries.

Chinese citizen Tao Li was convicted in 2019 and received a 40-month prison sentence for his involvement in a plot to unlawfully transport advanced technology with military and space applications to China. This illegal operation included components such as radiation-resistant power amplifiers and circuits.
China asserts that its space program is primarily aimed at peaceful objectives, whereas American military authorities contend that Beijing views space as a vital component of its military strategy.

China’s ambition to become a dominant force in the realm of space exploration and potentially surpass the United States by 2045 has been cautioned by American authorities.

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