
The Battle of Potential Successors: Trump or Desantis?

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Trump or Desantis for 2024

In 2024, the world’s eyes will be on an incredible battle between two prominent public figures Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. While Trump has held the office of President of the United States since 2016, DeSantis is a rising politician from Florida who just ran for governor in 2018. Both men have drastically different ideologies and goals, and as the election nears it’s becoming more clear that each of them could potentially take hold of the reigns in 2024.

We’ll discuss both Trump and DeSantis’ track records with politics, their credentials, their potential policies, and more to determine which man may have a better chance at future success in the years after 2024. We will delve into what each man has accomplished so far to determine whether they are capable of achieving their respective goals and objectives.

As the potential for a divisive election looms on the horizon, questions about the future of US politics continue to hang in the air. Given a choice between presumed Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, who has a better chance for success? In this blog post, we’ll explore the backgrounds and positions of both men in order to determine which candidate may be more likely to succeed in their bid for the highest office in the United States. We’ll look at their platforms, past successes, and public opinion.

The Current Presidential Election Landscape

When it comes to the 2024 Presidential Election, there are two potential Republican candidates that are making headlines: Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.

Trump, who served as the 45th President of the United States from 2017-2021, is a polarizing figure who has a loyal following among certain segments of the Republican Party. Despite his loss in 2020 to Joe Biden, Trump has continued to tease the possibility of running again in 2024.

On the other hand, Ron DeSantis, the current Governor of Florida, has emerged as a rising star in the party. He has gained national attention for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in his state, as well as for his commitment to conservative policies.

The battle between these two potential Republican nominees is heating up, with each side touting their strengths and attacking their opponent’s weaknesses.

Trump’s camp points to his experience as a former President and the fact that he received over 74 million votes in the 2020 election, while DeSantis’ supporters argue that he is a fresh face with a proven track record of success as a Governor.

But it’s not just about the popular vote. In order to win the Presidency, a candidate must also win the majority of the electoral votes, which is where the battle really heats up.

According to the Federal Election Commission, the United States has 538 electoral votes, with 270 needed to win the Presidency. While both Trump and DeSantis have strong followings, it remains to be seen which candidate would be able to secure the necessary number of electoral votes.

The Republican Presidential nomination process will also be a key factor in determining the 2024 election landscape. Candidates must win the majority of delegates in order to secure the nomination, which means that Trump and DeSantis will need to compete against each other, as well as against other potential candidates.

With the general election still three years away, it’s too early to predict who will come out on top. But one thing is for sure the battle between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis will be one to watch in the coming years.

💡 key Takeaway: When it comes to the 2024 Presidential election, two potential Republican candidates are making headlines: Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. Trump is a polarizing figure with a loyal following, while DeSantis has emerged as a rising star in the party. The battle between these two potential nominees

Former President Donald Trump

Love him or hate him, the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, left an indelible mark on the nation’s political landscape. As one of the most polarizing figures in modern American history, there’s no doubt that the mere mention of his name still elicits strong reactions from people of all political persuasions.

However, despite his unorthodox style and controversial policies, there’s no denying that Trump remains a dominant force within the Republican Party. With his penchant for taking on the establishment and steadfast refusal to back down, he’s managed to maintain a loyal base of supporters who continue to view him as the solution to the country’s problems.

But the question remains: does Trump have what it takes to win the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 and perhaps even the presidency once again? There are certainly those within the party who believe that he’s the only candidate who can galvanize the base and push back against the Democrats’ progressive agenda.

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Of course, there are also those who argue that Trump’s time has passed and that the party needs to move on to a new generation of leaders. They point to his controversial tenure in office, his false claims about election fraud, and his role in the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol as reasons why he should step aside.

Ultimately, the decision will be up to the voters in the Republican primary election. But if Trump does decide to throw his hat in the ring once again, there’s no doubt that he’ll be a formidable candidate who will be difficult to beat.

Reasons why Trump could win the Republican presidential nomination:

He still maintains a loyal base of supporters who view him as a champion of conservative values.

His unapologetic style and willingness to take on the establishment appeals to many Republicans who feel alienated by conventional politicians.

He has a proven track record of winning elections and has shown that he knows how to rally the base and turn out voters.

He has a massive war chest and a powerful fundraising apparatus that would make him a formidable opponent.

“They know that they shut down an election that they should have never shut down”

Donald Trump

💡 key Takeaway: Donald Trump remains a force to be reckoned with within the Republican Party. While there are certainly those who oppose him, there’s no denying that he still maintains a significant amount of support among the party’s base. If he decides to run

Governor Ron Desantis

Governor Ron DeSantis has been gaining a lot of attention lately, and some people believe he could be a potential presidential nominee in 2024. Let’s take a closer look at what sets him apart and makes him a strong candidate.

Experience and Achievements:

As governor of Florida, DeSantis has gained a reputation for his strong leadership skills, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. He was one of the first governors to start reopening the state, and also focused on protecting the vulnerable populations like nursing homes. He pushed for lower taxes and has overseen a significant boost to the state’s economy. Furthermore, DeSantis served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2013-2018.

Public Image and Support:

DeSantis has a strong public image and has received support from both Republicans and Democrats in the state of Florida. He has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump and is seen as a close ally of the former President. Additionally, he has a growing national profile and is seen as a rising star within the Republican Party.

Policy Positions:

DeSantis has consistently defended conservative principles and values, including supporting Second Amendment rights, lower taxes, and less government regulation. He has also placed a strong emphasis on law and order, signing legislation that increased penalties for crimes committed during protests or rioting. He has also taken a firm stance against Big Tech censorship, signing a bill that fines social media platforms for banning political candidates.

💡 key Takeaway: Governor Ron DeSantis has a strong public image, a record of achievements, and a clear, conservative policy platform, which could make him a serious contender in the 2024 Republican primary.

President Joe Biden

As a political junkie who loves following the ups and downs of presidential elections, I can’t help but wonder who will come out on top in 2024. With President Joe Biden approaching his first year in office, the focus is already shifting to the potential candidates for the next election. One name that keeps popping up is Ron DeSantis, the current Governor of Florida, who has gained a reputation for his tough stance on COVID-19 and his conservative policies. He has been polling well in national polls and in key states like Iowa and New Hampshire.

But let’s not forget about the elephant in the room former President Donald Trump. Even though he lost his re-election bid in 2020, he has remained a central figure in the Republican party and has hinted at a potential run in 2024. He has also been polling well in national polls and key states like Iowa and New Hampshire.

It’s still early days, but it’s fascinating to speculate about a potential match-up between DeSantis and Trump. An interactive map from The New York Times shows that if the election were held today, Biden would win the Electoral College 320-218. However, if DeSantis were the Republican nominee instead of Trump, the race would be much closer, with Biden winning only 290-248. This indicates that DeSantis could potentially steal some crucial swing states from Biden.

However, a three-minute video from the progressive PAC MeidasTouch suggests that a specific match-up between Trump and DeSantis could be disastrous for the Republican party. The video highlights numerous instances where Trump has insulted and belittled DeSantis, including calling him a “madman” and a “stone-cold loser” in private conversations. It’s not difficult to imagine a scenario where Trump’s supporters turn against DeSantis if he becomes a serious threat to Trump’s dominance in the party.

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💡 key Takeaway: It’s still too early to predict who will come out on top in 2024, but the battle between potential successors Trump and DeSantis is shaping up to be an interesting one. While DeSantis has been polling well and could potentially steal some key swing states from Biden, there are also concerns about how Trump’s supporters would react if he becomes a serious threat to Trump’s dominance in the party.

Other Potential Candidates

As much as everyone wants to know whether Trump or DeSantis will have a better future in politics, it’s important to remember that there are other noteworthy candidates to keep an eye on ahead of the 2024 general election. Here are a few to consider:

Kamala Harris

As the first female and first Black Vice President, Kamala Harris is a significant name in politics. Her experience as a former senator and attorney general of California has brought her respect, despite the occasional controversy. Harris would likely be a frontrunner on the Democratic side if she chooses to run.

Nikki Haley

Former Governor of South Carolina and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is a rising star in the Republican party. She’s seen as a more moderate candidate compared to some other GOP hopefuls, and has been vocal about her disagreements with Donald Trump. Haley could appeal to suburban voters who are uneasy with Trump’s rhetoric.

Tulsi Gabbard

Although Tulsi Gabbard didn’t make much of an impact in the 2020 Democratic primaries, she has amassed a dedicated following of progressives who appreciate her anti-interventionist foreign policy views. Gabbard has also been critical of her own party, which could make her an outlier in a crowded field.

Tim Scott

Tim Scott has served as a senator for South Carolina since 2013, and is the only African American Republican senator in the current Congress. Scott has talked about his own experiences with racism and poverty, and has advocated for criminal justice reform. He could draw both Republican and swing voters who want to see more diversity in politics.

💡 key Takeaway: While it’s easy to get caught up in the buzz of high-profile candidates like Trump and DeSantis, there are other contenders who could surprise us in the 2024 general election. Keep an eye on Kamala Harris, Nikki Haley, Tulsi Gabbard, and Tim Scott as the race heats up.

Unexpected Contender Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley: A Potential Candidate for 2024

As a political strategist, I’m always on the lookout for potential contenders for the White House. One name that keeps popping up in my head is Nikki Haley. The former Ambassador to the United Nations, and former Governor of South Carolina, is someone to keep an eye on in the coming years.

Haley’s tenure as Ambassador was filled with diplomatic victories, including the passage of harsh sanctions on North Korea and the recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. She was a strong advocate for American interests at the UN, and her assertive approach won her many fans among conservatives.

As Governor of South Carolina, Haley was a rising star in the Republican party. Her leadership through the aftermath of the Charleston church shooting is widely regarded as a masterclass in crisis management. She also presided over the removal of the Confederate flag from the state capitol grounds, a move that was seen as a bold action against racial intolerance.

Haley’s credentials are impressive, but how does she stack up against other potential Republican nominees? Let’s take a look:

Donal Trump Jr. While he has name recognition as the son of a former president, his lack of political experience and controversial past make him a risky choice.

Ted Cruz Cruz ran an admirable campaign in 2016, but his abrasive personality and inability to work with others make him a liability.

Mike Pence Pence served as the Vice President under Trump, but his staunchly conservative views and association with the previous administration make him a polarizing figure.

Kristi Noem The current Governor of South Dakota may have a bright future, but her inexperience on the national stage could be a hindrance in a presidential campaign.

Haley, on the other hand, has the experience, credentials, and moderate appeal to make a serious run for the White House. She has made no secret of her ambitions, and her recent actions, such as releasing a memoir and launching a political action committee, suggest a desire to stay in the public eye.

💡 key Takeaway: Nikki Haley is a potential candidate for the Republican Party in the 2024 presidential campaign, and her experience and moderate appeal may make her a serious contender for the nomination.

Potential Match-Ups

As we look forward to the 2024 presidential campaign, there are many potential match-ups that could make for an interesting race. One possible contest that has gained a lot of attention is the battle between two heavyweight Republican politicians, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.

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Both Trump and DeSantis have strong bases of support within the Republican Party, and each has shown an ability to attract a significant following. However, when it comes to a potential matchup between the two, there are some significant differences to consider.

First, we have to look at geographic advantages. Trump’s power base is still rooted in the south, particularly in states like South Carolina. On the other hand, DeSantis has made a big splash in Florida and is quickly establishing himself as a major player in the southeast.

Then there are the early primary states to consider. New Hampshire is always a key battleground, and Trump won the state in 2016. Meanwhile, DeSantis’ home state of Florida won’t be voting early in the process, but neighboring states like South Carolina and Georgia could give him an edge.

Of course, there are also other factors to consider, such as fundraising ability, political strategy, and the overall mood of the country leading up to the election. But for now, it’s clear that a potential Trump/DeSantis matchup would be one of the most closely watched races of our time.

Key takeaway: Trump and DeSantis are both strong Republican candidates, but their geographic and political advantages may differ when it comes to a potential matchup.

Prediction for the 2024 Presidential Election

As a keen observer of politics in the United States, nothing brings me more excitement than speculating about the potential successors for the 2024 Presidential election. With the current political landscape, two names come to mind that are prominently mentioned as top contenders; former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. In this section, we will examine the chances of both politicians in securing their party’s nomination and winning the presidency in 2024.

Presidential Nominee Predictions:

Donald Trump’s announcement during the CPAC conference that he may run for presidency again was a clear indication of his ambitions to return to the White House as the presidential nominee for the Republicans. However, as per the Federal Election Commission’s rules, any presidential nominee cannot run for the presidential election more than twice. Trump had already run for the presidency twice, in 2016 and 2020. So, it remains to be seen whether he will be eligible to contest the elections in 2024.

On the other hand, Ron DeSantis is a rising star in the Republican party, and he has been making strides in gaining momentum over the past year. His successful handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in Florida has earned him significant recognition domestically and even internationally. He has become a favorite among the Republican voters, and his popularity is on the rise. It is safe to say that DeSantis is a serious contender for the presidential nominee for the Republicans in 2024.

Electoral Vote Predictions:

Assuming that Trump or DeSantis wins the nomination, they will face off against the Democratic nominee in the general election. In terms of the number of electoral votes, Trump has a significant advantage over DeSantis. In the 2020 elections, Trump got 232 electoral votes while DeSantis has no experience running in a general election as of yet, so his capabilities are yet to be put to the test. Therefore, we cannot predict how many votes he will be able to gather in a general election.

General Election Predictions:

In terms of the general election, predicting a winner is a tough call because the political landscape can change quickly. However, based on the voter turnout in the previous elections, it seems that the Republican voters are generally more motivated to show up at the polls than the Democrats. This enthusiasm could work in Trump or DeSantis’s favor in the general election. Nonetheless, we cannot predict the future, and only time will tell who will come out on top.


In the battle between Trump and DeSantis for the potential successor race in 2024 is a heated topic that continues to draw attention. While both have their strengths and weaknesses, including their stance on policies and public image, only time will tell who will come out on top. Regardless of who you support, it is important to stay informed about the political landscape and participate in the democratic process. Make your voice heard and don’t forget to vote in the upcoming elections. Your vote is your voice, and it matters. Keep an eye out for updates on the latest political developments and don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with others. So join the conversation and make a difference today by exercising your democratic right and staying engaged!

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