
Disaster Strikes: Submarine Destined for Titanic Site Collapses, Leading to Fatalities

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Victims of Titanic destination

The Titanic exploration submersible that was going to check out the wreckage had a terrible implosion, causing the deaths of all five people on board. The remains, including the tail cone and other debris, were found close to 1,600 feet from the front of the Titanic, at a depth of 13,000 feet in the North Atlantic Ocean, said US Coast Guard Rear Adm. John Mauger.

Mauger mentioned that the difficult deep-sea surroundings were a big factor in the disastrous incident, which was apparent from the collected debris. Many key sections of the “Titan” submersible were discovered in the location, with distinct sections of the pressure hull situated in different spots.
The operator of the submersible, OceanGate Expeditions, confirmed the tragic loss of their CEO, Stockton Rush, alongside Shahzada Dawood, Suleman Dawood, Hamish Harding, and Paul-Henri Nargeolet in a statement. The families of the deceased have been notified and have received assistance during this tough time.

Coast Guard praises extensive search and rescue efforts

A thorough search and rescue operation was conducted to find the submerged vessel, and its debris was eventually found by a remote-operated vehicle of Pelagic Research Services. Many countries helped in the search by deploying their own remotely-operated vehicles, including the US and French vessels, with additional support from Magellan, who had previously mapped the Titanic wreckage.

Although the Titanic exploration expedition sounded like an amazing opportunity, there have been some concerns raised about the safety measures used by OceanGate. There have been questions about the vessel’s hull thickness and testing protocols, which were previously brought up by ex-employees. Furthermore, mechanical problems and bad weather have resulted in trip cancellations or delays, with some customers even seeking legal action to obtain refunds.

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This really sad event shows how dangerous deep-sea exploration can be and how crucial it is to have strict safety procedures in place. The people in charge are going to end the search soon, but they’ll keep doing remote work in the ocean for a while longer.

The rescue operations which earned Mauger’s appreciation involved the use of advanced equipment like sonar devices and aircraft by different agencies from around the globe. As there is no GPS system available underwater, communication was restricted to sending text messages from the surface vessel.
Although there were times when the search seemed promising, the final result emphasizes how difficult these missions can be. OceanGate’s CEO, Stockton Rush, had indicated his ambition to innovate and defy conventions in the realm of deep-sea exploration. Nonetheless, the company’s protocols have drawn criticism over concerns regarding vessel safety and mechanical problems encountered in the past.

As the investigation progresses, it’s a good reminder of everyone’s continued fascination with the Titanic and the dangers that come with exploring the ocean’s depths.

Victims Include CEO and Affluent Adventurers

Usually, the Titan plane has a total of five occupants, including a pilot named Rush, three passengers paying for the ride – Hamish Harding, Shahzada Dawood, and Suleman Dawood, and a content expert on the Titanic, namely Paul-Henri Nargeolet, as per the archived website of OceanGate.
Harding, a British entrepreneur and the head of the aircraft brokerage firm Action Aviation, has quite a track record of daring ventures. Last year, he made headlines as part of a flight team that set a new global benchmark for the swiftest full circumnavigation of the globe through the North and South poles. Similarly, in 2020, he joined the ranks of a select few who have ever descended to Challenger Deep, believed to be the deepest point in the Earth’s oceans, located in the Pacific Ocean.
Recently, he bought a seat on Blue Origin’s space flight for an unknown amount of money.

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Shahzada Dawood, a Pakistani billionaire, and his son Suleman were members of a well-known Pakistani business family. The Dawood Hercules Corporation boasts a vast range of business interests that include energy, petrochemicals, fertilizers, IT, food and agriculture, and is one of the biggest corporations in Pakistan.
Nargeolet, a renowned French diver with years of experience in exploring the Titanic, was the head of underwater exploration at RMS Titanic Inc., the company with the sole mandate to retrieve artifacts from the sunken vessel.
On the company’s website, it is stated in the biography that Nargeolet managed to complete 35 dives to the Titanic wreck and oversaw the retrieval of 5,000 relics. The website also mentions that he had served in the French Navy for 22 years, and was promoted to the position of commander.

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