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Cosby Faces New Sexual Assault Lawsuit: Former Playboy Model’s Historic Case

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Bill Cosby Lawsuit

Bill Cosby, the legendary entertainer, is facing a new lawsuit for alleged sexual assault. Victoria Valentino, a former Playboy centerfold model, has filed a lawsuit against Cosby under a new California law that temporarily lifts the statute of limitations on civil sexual assault cases. This groundbreaking law allows accusers to seek damages for alleged sexual assaults, regardless of how long ago the incidents occurred, within a one-year window. The lawsuit, the first known use of this law against Cosby in California, opens up a new front in the ongoing legal battle against the 85-year-old comedian.

Valentino, now 80 years old, states, “It’s not about money, it’s about accountability.” She firmly believes that rape inflicts irreparable damage that cannot be repaired or restored. Reflecting on the recent civil court win of journalist E. Jean Carroll against former President Donald Trump, Valentino found inspiration and validation, saying, “Her winning her case was affirmation we were doing the right thing.”

According to Valentino’s lawsuit, she first encountered Cosby in 1969 when she was working as an actress and singer. Their paths crossed again at a Los Angeles restaurant, where Cosby approached her after noticing her emotional distress following the tragic drowning death of her 6-year-old son. Valentino alleges that Cosby offered her a pill, claiming it would make her feel better, saying, “Here! Take this! It will make you feel better. It will make us ALL feel better.”

Valentino’s lawsuit joins a series of similar cases filed by six other Cosby accusers in New York, utilizing a comparable “lookback” provision that allowed for a one-year window to seek justice for historical sexual assault incidents. Cosby, who has faced accusations from over 60 women, vehemently denies all allegations of sexual misconduct.

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Cosby’s spokesperson, Andrew Wyatt, dismisses the accusations as motivated by greed and suggests a larger agenda to tarnish successful Black men, stating, “In my opinion, these women are not victims of sexual assault, they are victims of greed.” Wyatt draws a parallel between Cosby and R. Kelly, suggesting that the accusations against both men are part of a formula aimed at discrediting successful Black figures.

While Cosby’s criminal conviction on charges of drugging and sexually assaulting a former Temple University basketball official was overturned due to a non-prosecution agreement, his accusers have found success in civil suits. In a California trial, a jury found Cosby guilty of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl, Judy Huth, at the Playboy Mansion in 1975, awarding her $500,000 in damages. Additionally, seven other accusers reached a settlement with Cosby after accusing him and his legal team of defamation.

Victoria Valentino’s lawsuit extends beyond the allegations against Cosby himself. She plans to include between one and twenty unnamed individuals, including Cosby’s agents and employees, whom she believes facilitated his alleged assaults. Valentino aims to identify these defendants during the discovery process of her lawsuit.

Despite the profound impact the alleged incident had on Valentino’s life, she has managed to rebuild and pursue various endeavors. She became a registered nurse and recently wrote a memoir. Now, at the age of 80, Valentino seeks accountability for the alleged assault that occurred over five decades ago, emphasizing the long-lasting ripple effects it has had on her life.

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